The Seventh Beacon: The Turning Point

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The Turning Point

As everything starts to shift, I find myself evaluating every aspect of my life with equal consideration. I feel like I have a new start to commit to some very old goals. It's not all totally organized in the chaos that is my brain, but perhaps putting it out here will allow me to... bring it all into focus.

1) Monetarily. Having a higher income opens more doors, like the aforementioned vehicle, health insurance, and other little things. It also allows me to see the road ahead... the one I'd taken such a long detour from. Budgeting not just from month to month, but year to year, onto the eventual retirement years. So, in terms of work, I'm considering my future at Spectrum, as well as the possible future of writing to get published (which has always been a dream and passion of mine, if long-neglected).

2) Physically. It's a time for new starts, and on top of getting real health insurance, I am also enrolling in the Healthier Lifestyles program tied to Spectrum. What sort of diet changes should I make? What are the benefits and risks of programs like Atkins? I certainly want to live healthier, lose weight and have more energy. It would also assist in mental equilibrium. That, and exercise.

3) Environmentally. I have lots of junk that yet needs to be sorted/sold/removed. Committing to a couple boxes a week seems a reasonable amount, and getting the things worth money sold on eBay would be the next logical step. Keeping a clean apartment really should be a standard I hold to.

4) Spiritually. Should I weigh what it means to attend church and commit to my faith? Where is my faith, precisely, and in what ways have my beliefs transformed since high school? Also in this category is a commitment to my writing. So far I've managed to post once a day. Can I keep that pace up? What about making headway on the multitude of novel/other creative endeavors I've started and left in folders and boxes to gather dust? Writing should be one of my primary goals.

Now, how to balance all of that? It's so much to try to keep in my brain I fear I simply won't be able to. I'm looking to enact an entire shift in how I live my life. Maybe the blog can be a tool, though I don't honestly see the appeal in anyone reading these sorts of musings. I'll try to offer up a more varied menu for this place in future installments, but bear with me while things get organized!

1 comment:

Brad W said...

Brett, wonderful goals! Next thing you've got to do is the hardest - translating them into action. After all, a turning point should be a true turn, not just a "point of reflection/contemplation." Writing every day, for example, is already a great step that you've made, but writing a novel is something more concrete. I know you're smart enough and have already got plenty of great ideas to get there (setting aside time for sorting, etc). My advice - stop thinking/writing about it and just do it. It takes anywhere from 5 to 30 min to make a difference today! Stop postponing your future and start on that path now. If you need me, I've got your back, but in the meantime I'll be busy taking my own advice ;-)

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