The Seventh Beacon: Fanboy Humor

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Fanboy Humor

I love the way Peter David includes little nods to fandom in his writing! In one of his Star Trek novels, “Stone and Anvil”, Jean-Luc Picard is talking to the future Captain Mackenzie Calhoun on his home planet of Xenex, then takes him up to his starship to show a world far larger than he’d ever known:

"You'll find there are no screens nor fearsome gods up here, M'k'n'zy. Although there is the odd hole or two, but you can learn about that later."

"Learn how? Where?"

"Well, there's an academy. A school, back on the planet where I was born. The best, the brightest, the most gifted of young people attend it to learn and grow and, ultimately, see if they have what it takes to be a Starfleet officer."

"Are you in charge of it?"

"No, no." Picard smiled. "I couldn't exactly see myself running a school for gifted youngsters. Not sure I'd have the patience."

I know some of the people who read my blog won’t get this, and I apologize, but explaining it won’t really make it interesting for you if you don’t know, and simply takes up more space than is necessary.

Anyway, back to the book before I nod off for the night…

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I'm proud. I got it! ^_^

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