The Seventh Beacon: How To Build An Ork Trukk

Saturday, January 26, 2008

How To Build An Ork Trukk

Step one, don’t sniff the glue.

Step two, surround yourself with friends who are also building models.

Step three, focus more on Decision 2008 than the plastic pieces.

That was where the last five hours of my day went. Hours well spent. Not only did I get to put my Warhammer 40k model halfway together, but I got to sit with Mike and Corey as he built his own miniatures and she built her stage for the upcoming theatre production she’s working on. And while this was going on MSNBC kept the numbers running for the South Carolina primaries.

Having a vested interest in politics, I’m of the hope that our country can do much better than it has done for the past eight years. I’ve never liked Bush. In 2000 he came off as a moron. In 2008 I hold that very same opinion, but have added many things to the list of reasons I want him gone.

So, today was the South Carolina Democrat primaries, and I was anxious to see how things panned out. I am not affiliated with any party, but I have leaned very strongly towards the Democrats since I could first vote. I’ve taken tests that have labeled me a free-thinking moderate. Good. I would like to think that most people are. So, living in Michigan, where – of the ‘top 3’ – only Hillary was on the Democrat ticket, I did the sane thing. I voted Republican.

So, I’m glad to see Obama win South Carolina. I’m hoping that Romney and Obama win the primaries, because of the ‘top players’, they are the ones I’m inclined to vote for. Either way, when November rolls around I’m still going to be examining my choices very closely… but as far as I’m concerned, no matter who wins, I’ll consider it a win in my book. Because Bush will be gone and good riddance; it can’t come soon enough.

And that is how I build an Ork Trukk. Well, half of it.

And yes, I did sniff the glue, but not on purpose.

And no, it was not a pleasant experience, but the rest of the night was.

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Decision '08 Presidential Results

Michigan '08