The Seventh Beacon: Why, Obama, Why?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Why, Obama, Why?

What the hell is going on?

Obama promised transparency and accountability. He seemed to hold the Bush Administration's wiretapping and elements of the Patriot Act in the same regard that I did: they were abhorrent and evil.

So why did he renew the Patriot Act? Why is he not only defending, but extending, the wiretapping programs? Sovereign Immunity? What the fuck happened to checks and balances against power?

Now, there are a lot of other issues and concerns to be had right now, but I want to focus on this one. I've railed against the shrinking of our freedoms that happened under Bush. Originally, I thought I was fighting against a wrong-minded Republican initiative, but over the years... well, it appears the Democrats are just as inclined to permit this evil as the Republicans were... which begs the question, what is either party worth other than a swift flush and a lighting of a match?

Bush squandered his popular support after 9/11. Obama appears to be doing the same thing. I think it's time to start mobilizing, but instead of bouncing back and forth between these two evil management teams, maybe we can start to shift the power back to the people. My suggestion? Vote for your favorite third party choice and pass it on. It's time to destroy this bi-partisan (read: uni-partisan, as they both support the same bullshit bureaucracy) monopoly.

That is, of course, assuming you actually think your liberty is something worth holding on to. This is not the left vs. the right, that's a wrong-headed illusion. This is the people vs. the entrenched power structure.

Use your vote while it's still more effective than a bullet.

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