The Seventh Beacon: Booked

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My life is once again in transition, and definitely for the better, but I don't wish to enumerate all the many thoughts and ideas that have should have made their way here throughout the year. At least, not in one post.

A friend of mine feels the 30s encroaching, so we've decided to move full hilt on our latest story concept and turn it into a novel-length project. Wouldn't it be nice to be published? Without saying too much, I will say that it encompasses our love of philosophy and religion and damn fun characters. To summarize it here would make you think, "oh that sounds like so-and-so", so let me assure you that in our minds the final product is far different from the usual popularized literature.

Maybe I'll say more on it later, or offer an excerpt should it be appropriate.

On a similar note, I've been sitting on an idea for a couple months now that I will also be tackling for National Novel Writing Month is an open contest that challenges would-be writers to simply 'be' writers, where participants must produce 50,000 words (roughly 175 pages) in the form of a novel.

I've done the math. It's going to take me at least 25 hours barring divine inspiration. Last year I was considering doing this and opted out, but as my friend indicated, the 30s are quickly approaching. Yes, I'll now be full time, but classes start up again in the Winter, so seize the day!

Or month. Whatever.

If you have that novel (or dozen novels) floating in your head, I encourage you to check out I will endeavor to bring you updates as well. (Hi, mom.)


1 comment:

Dawn said...

Good to see you post again. And even better to hear you are writing still. I am still having issues with internets and my new (old) house, but hopefully I can get help fixing them before long. Then we can talk again! Or, email/message me (on myspace most likely) sometime and we can swap phone #s again. I know both of ours have changed since we last spoke.

Loves ya. :)

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